Vienna / AUSTRIA
+43 1 5441854
Information according to the e-commerce law
Company Wording: Daunenspiel e.U.
Registered Office: Marxergasse 22/2A, A-1030 Vienna
Showroom & Distribution: Marxergasse 22, A-1030 Vienna
Owner: Sofia Vrecar
Company Register: FN 455378z
Place of Jurisdiction: Handelsgericht Wien
VAT No.: ATU71133935
EORI: ATEOS1000076158
Banking Account: Sparkasse Baden | IBAN: AT82 2020 5010 0003 6887 | BIC: SPBDAT21XXX
Business Object: Trade & Online Trading
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (Trade Association: Trade)
Trademark Protection: Daunenspiel is a trademark registered at the Austrian Patent Office.
Trademark No.: 52452/2016
Publisher responsible for this website:
Daunenspiel e.U.
Photo credits:
Nikki Harris – nikkiharrisstudio.com
Paul Kolp Photography – paul-kolp.at
Product photos: partners & suppliers
u.a. unsplash.com und fotolila.com